Picture of  Lab-grown Diamond

A Complete Guide on the 4Cs of Lab-Grown Diamonds

Diamonds in the global market are known to be valuable shiny stones that are hard and make a noise when struck. Traditionally, these precious stones are mined from the earth, but with advancements in technology, we have an exciting alternative: Cultured diamonds or we can say Lab lab-grown diamonds. These diamonds are synthesized and grown under controlled laboratory conditions that mimic those of a real diamond. Like their natural counterparts, lab-grown diamonds are evaluated based on the 4Cs:

Read More: Your Guide to Diamonds

The 4c’s of lab-grown or mined diamonds are the same. And the four factors are quite easy to memorize. They are - Clarity, Cut, Color and Carat. Knowledge of these criteria may assist you in making an informed decision when you are in the lookout for that perfect diamond.

1. Clarity

Picture of clarity chart of the diamonds

 Grown in Labs, Shining in Perfection

Perfectness is defined as the absence or freedom from inclusions within the diamond graded as internals and blemishes on the surface of the diamond. Like their natural counterpart, lab-grown diamonds can possess these characteristics; however, due to the production conditions of this type of product, they may possess fewer and less extensive inclusion density.

Read More: Investing in Lab Grown Diamond is Good

Key Points about Clarity:

Grades: Clarity is one of the most important characteristics and is graded as follows:

  • Flawless (no inclusions visible under loupe),
  • Very Good (slight inclusions may be visible under the loupe)
  • Good (MPEG inclusions visible to the naked eye but not those of an oxide or silica type)
  • Fair (oxide and silica inclusions visible to the naked eye)  
  • Poor (the cut gemstone has conspicuous inclusions, which are Sub/Fair categories ranging from
  • Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1 and VVS2)
  • Very Slightly Included (VS1 and VS2)
  • Through to Slightly Included (SI1 and SI2)

Impact on Appearance:  Higher clarity grades mean fewer imperfections, leading to a more brilliant and visually appealing diamond.

Value Consideration: Even though completely flawless diamonds are rather scarce and cost a lot, diamonds with some small imperfections are considered to have the best price/quality ratio: VS and SI clarity grades.

Read More: What are the Pros and Cons of Lab-Grown Diamonds?

2. Cut

Brilliance of nature with a Modern Twist

 Brilliance of nature with a Modern Twist 

Fire and brilliance have been defined as the degree of refinement and how it has been done on the diamond. Part E: Based on the cut of a diamond, the diamond’s brilliance, fire, and beauty can be easily defined. While clarity is determined by the nature of the diamond, cut, on the other hand, is a result of human work or skill.

Read More: How are lab grown diamonds made

Key Points about Cut:

  • Grades: Slant is assessed according to the following rating: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. An Excellent cut lets the light inside a diamond reflect better and makes diamonds shine and glitter more than other diamonds.
  • Proportions: It implies that the quality of the cut depends on the diamond’s size, depth, shape, make, angles, shape as well as shine. Proper dimensions enable light to penetrate the diamond and bounce within its surfaces to get to the eye, making it glitter.
  • Shape vs. Cut: Shape pertains to the form of the diamond, where you might commonly see or hear the terms round, princess, or oval, and cut quality is a measure of how well the shape in question has been done.

3. Colour

This point evaluates the colour of a diamond; it determines if it is colourless or has a tint of colour. The following is a description of the grading scale of the commonly known color; The less color, the higher the grade. Even though the majority of diamonds out there seem to be white, they may possess negligible traces of yellow or brown color at some point.

Read More: A Comprehensive Buying Guide on Lab Grown Diamond?

Key Points about Color:

Grades: Color is classified from category D which implies that the substance is colourless to category Z which indicates that the substance has a noticeable color.

We have adopted the following classifications:

  • D-F are colourless;
  • G-J are almost colourless or very pale;
  •  K-M is faint or pale;
  • N-R is very pale or nearly colourless; and
  • S-Z is light or slightly coloured.

Visual Impact: However, there are differences, colourless diamonds are even rarer and more expensive, but near-colourless diamonds can also look very beautiful, which is important in jewellery.

Lab-Grown Advantage: Once again, Lab-grown diamonds can reach very high color grades since all growing conditions are closely controlled.

4. Carat

Modern elegance crafted in Labs

Modern elegance crafted in Labs

Caratage, on the other hand, is the weight of the diamond, and not its physical dimension. One carat is equivalent to 200 milligrams, 0.2 grams to be exact. Although carat weight is quite instrumental in determining the prices of diamonds in the market, it should not be regarded as a standalone option to determine the quality of stones but rather in combination with cut, color, and clarity.

Key Points about Carat:

  • Size Perception: It may shock many people to learn that two diamonds graded to have the same carat weight yet on holders with different cut proportions could look differently sized. This means that a diamond that has been well-crafted may look bigger than another diamond with the same carat weight but has been poorly crafted.
  • Value Consideration: This also means that larger diamonds are rarer and command a higher price than smaller ones of the same amount of carats. Making a choice using the other Cs along with carat weight can enable someone to choose a perfect diamond that is both stylish and affordable.

Read More: Do Lab Grown Diamonds Hold Their Value?

Why Choose Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds offer several advantages:

  1. Ethical and Sustainable: They are free from the environmental and ethical issues associated with mining.
  2. Cost-Effective: Typically, they are 20-40% less expensive than natural diamonds of comparable quality.
  3. Identical to Natural Diamonds: Chemically, physically, and optically, lab-grown diamonds are identical to natural diamonds.

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Lean about the 4C’s of Lab Grown Diamonds with GIVA

Understanding the 4Cs of lab-grown diamonds—Clarity, Cut, Color, and Carat—is essential for making an informed purchase. The experts at GIVA believe that these factors collectively determine a diamond's beauty, quality, and value. Lab-grown diamonds Jewellery provide a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to natural diamonds without compromising on brilliance and elegance. As you explore the world of lab-grown diamonds, keep these 4Cs in mind to find the perfect diamond that meets your standards and celebrates your unique style.

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